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A recipe is a set of instructions and configurations defined by the user, and in Meteor they are used to define how a particular job will be performed. It should contain instructions about the source from which the metadata will be fetched, information about metadata processors and the destination is to be defined as sinks of metadata.

The recipe should contain about only one source since we wish to have a seperate job for different extractors, hence keeping them isolated. Should have at least one destination of metadata mentioned in sinks, and the processors field is optional but can have multiple processors.

Recipe is a yaml file, follows a structure as shown below and needs to be passed as an individual file or as a bunch of recipes contained in a directory as shown in sample usage.

Writing a Recipe for Meteor

  • sample-recipe.yaml
name: main-kafka-production # unique recipe name as an ID
version: v1beta1 #recipe version
source: # required - for fetching input from sources
name: kafka # required - collector to use (e.g. bigquery, kafka)
scope: local-kafka # required - URN's namespace
broker: "localhost:9092"
sinks: # required - at least 1 sink defined
- name: http
method: POST
url: ""
- name: console
processors: # optional - metadata processors
- name: metadata
foo: bar
bar: foo

Glossary Table

Contains details about the ingredients of our recipe. The config of each source, sinks and processors differs as different data sources require different kinds of credentials, please refer more about them in further reference section.

KeyDescriptionRequirementfurther reference
nameunique recipe name, will be used as ID for jobrequiredN/A
versionSpecify the version of recipe being usedrequiredN/A
sourcecontains details about the source of metadata extractionrequiredsource
sinksdefines the final destination of extracted and processed metadatarequiredsink
processorsused process the metadata before sinkingoptionalprocessor

Dynamic recipe value

Meteor reads recipe using go template, which means you can put a variable instead of a static value in a recipe. Environment variables with prefix METEOR_, such as METEOR_MONGODB_PASS, will be used as the template data for the recipe. This is to allow you to skip creating recipes containing the credentials of datasource.

  • recipe-with-variable.yaml
name: sample-recipe
version: v1beta1
name: mongodb
# wrap it with double quotes to make sure value is read as a string
connection_url: "{{ .connection_url }}"
- name: http
method: POST
url: ""

Sample Usage

#setup environment variables
> export METEOR_CONNECTION_URL=mongodb://admin:pass123@localhost:3306
#run a single recipe
> meteor run recipe-with-variable.yaml
#run multiple recipes contained in single directory
> meteor run path/directory-of-recipes

Support to pass env variables with --var flag

Meteor allows you to maintain a .yaml file as well which can be used as template data for recipes. The variables here should not contain a METEOR_ prefix and should be as normal as any other config file. Meteor reads both local environment variables as well as the ones from the yaml file and in case of conflict prefers the one mentioned in the yaml file.

  • sample-config.yaml
PASSWORD: "1234"
#run recipes in _recipes folder with secrets from sample-config.yaml
$ meteor run _recipes --var sample-config.yaml