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A Job is the fundamental unit of the data pipeline which enables a data transformation in the warehouse of choice. A user can configure various details mentioned below for the job:

  • Schedule interval
  • Date from when a transformation should start executing
  • Task & Hooks
  • Assets needed for transformation
  • Alerts

Job specifications are being compiled to later be processed by the scheduler. Optimus is using Airflow as the scheduler, thus it is compiling the job specification to DAG (Directed Acryclic Graph) file.

Each of the DAG represents a single job, which consists of:

  • Airflow task(s). Transformation tasks and hooks will be compiled to Airflow tasks.
  • Sensors, only if the job has dependency.

Each job has a single base transformation, we call them Task and might have the task pre or/and post operations, which are called Hooks.


A task is a main transformation process that will fetch data, transform as configured, and sink to the destination. Each task has its own set of configs and can inherit configurations from a global configuration store.

Some examples of task are:

  • BQ to BQ task
  • BQ to Email task
  • Python task
  • Tableau task
  • Etc.


Hooks are the operations that you might want to run before or after a task. A hook is only associated with a single parent although they can depend on other hooks within the same job. There can be one or many or zero hooks for a Job as configured by the user. Some examples of hooks are:

  • Predator (Profiling & Auditing for BQ)
  • Publishing transformed data to Kafka
  • Http Hooks

Each hook has its own set of configs and shares the same asset folder as the base job. Hook can inherit configurations from the base transformation or from a global configuration store.

The fundamental difference between a hook and a task is, a task can have dependencies over other jobs inside the repository whereas a hook can only depend on other hooks within the job.


There could be an asset folder along with the job.yaml file generated via optimus when a new job is created. This is a shared folder across base transformation task and all associated hooks. Assets can use macros and functions powered by Go templating engine.

Section of code can be imported from different asset files using template. For example:

  • File partials.gtpl
  • Another file query.sql
{{template "partials.gtpl"}}
SET t1 = '2021-02-10T10:00:00+00:00';

During execution query.sql will be rendered as:

SET t1 = '2021-02-10T10:00:00+00:00';

whereas partials.gtpl will be left as it is because file was saved with .gtpl extension.

Similarly, a single file can contain multiple blocks of code that can function as macro of code replacement. For example:

Name: {{ template "name"}}, Gender: {{ template "gender" }}
  • partials.gtpl
{{- define "name" -}} Adam {{- end}}
{{- define "gender" -}} Male {{- end}}

This will render as

Name: Adam, Gender: Male