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Starting Optimus Server

Starting a server requires server configuration, which can be loaded from file (use --config flag), environment variable OPTIMUS_[CONFIGNAME], or config.yaml file in Optimus binary directory.

1. Using --config flag

$ optimus serve --config /path/to/config/file.yaml

If you specify the configuration file using the --config flag, then any configs defined in the env variable and default config.yaml from the Optimus binary directory will not be loaded.

2. Using environment variable

All the configs can be passed as environment variables using OPTIMUS_[CONFIG_NAME] convention. [CONFIG_NAME] is the key name of config using _ as the path delimiter to concatenate between keys.

For example, to use the environment variable, assuming the following configuration layout:

version: 1
port: 9100
app_key: randomhash

Here is the corresponding environment variable for the above

Configuration keyEnvironment variable

Set the env variable using export

$ export OPTIMUS_PORT=9100

Note: If you specify the env variable and you also have config.yaml in the Optimus binary directory, then any configs from the env variable will override the configs defined in config.yaml in Optimus binary directory.

3. Using default config.yaml from Optimus binary directory

$ which optimus

So the config.yaml file can be loaded on /usr/local/bin/config.yaml