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This tour introduces you to Siren. Along the way you will learn how to manage alerting rules, notification receivers, and subscribing to alert notifications.


This tour requires you to have Siren CLI tool installed on your local machine. You can run siren version to verify the installation. Please follow installation and configuration guides if you do not have it installed already.

Siren client CLI talks to Siren server to configure and fetch rules, subscriptions, and notifications. Please make sure you also have a Siren server running. You can also run server locally with siren server start command. For more details check the deployment guide.


At any time you can run the following commands.

# Check the installed version for Siren cli tool
$ siren version

# See the help for a command
$ siren --help

The list of all available commands are as follows:

alert Manage alerts
namespace Manage namespaces
provider Manage providers
receiver Manage receivers
rule Manage rules
subscription Manage subscriptions
template Manage templates

completion Generate shell completion scripts
config Manage siren CLI configuration
help Help about any command
job Manage siren jobs
environment List of supported environment variables
reference Comprehensive reference of all commands
server Run siren server
worker Start or manage Siren's workers

Help command can also be run on any sub command with syntax siren <command> <subcommand> --help. Here is an example for the same.

$ siren rule --help

Check the reference for Siren cli commands.

$ siren reference

Background for this tutorial

This tour introduces you to two different scenarios

  1. Sending on-demand notification to a receiver
    • Register a receiver
    • Send notification to the receiver
  2. Setting up alerting rules and subscribing to the alerts
    • Register a CortexMetrics provider
    • Create a new namespace
    • Register a receiver that we want to send the notification to
    • Create a subscription to define the routing so alert notification will be routed to the registered receivers

The tour takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.