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Monitoring and Alerting Provider. E.g. Cortexmetrics, Influx 2.0, Prometheus etc.


Used to represent multi-tenancy in a given provider. Cortex calls it a tenant, influx 2.0 calls it organization.


Receivers are alert routing and notification mediums. Examples: Slack, Pagerduty, HTTP POST Webhooks etc. They contain global level configs which enables clients to use this medium for alert routing or sending notifications.


Alerting rules that are set within a provider


An abstraction of data in Siren that could make data definition reusable. Currently template can be used to define rules and notification's message body.


Using subscriptions one can get notified when a set of conditions are true on a triggered alert.


A message to be sent to the specific receivers. Notification could be sent directly to receivers or sent by matching subscription's labels.

Alert History

Triggered Alert History. Siren provides simple endpoints to accept alert trigger event from various alerting providers e.g. Prometheus Alertmanager, Kapacitor, Influx 2.0 etc.

Notification Vendor

External parties that has capability to communicates to the end-user with their own medium e.g. Slack, PagerDuty.

Notification Message Payload

Notification Message Payload is the data that are being sent to the notification vendor in the format that meets notification vendor's contract.