siren alert
Manage alerts
siren alert list [flags]
List alerts
--end-time uint end time
--provider-id uint provider id
--provider-type string provider type
--resource-name string resource name
--start-time uint start time
siren completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]
Generate shell completion scripts
siren config <command>
Manage siren CLI configuration
siren config init
Initialize CLI configuration
siren config list
List client configuration settings
siren environment
List of supported environment variables
siren job <command>
Manage siren jobs
siren job run
Trigger a job
siren job run cleanup_idempotency [flags]
Cleanup idempotencies outside TTL
-c, --config string Config file path (default "config.yaml")
-t, --ttl string TTL duration of idempotency data in golang duration format (e.g. 10h, 30m) (default "24h")
siren job run cleanup_queue [flags]
Cleanup stale messages in queue
-c, --config string Config file path (default "config.yaml")
-s, --pending string Cleanup treshold for pending messages in string (e.g. 10h, 30m)
-p, --published string Cleanup treshold for published messages in string (e.g. 10h, 30m) (default "168h")
siren namespace
Manage namespaces
siren namespace create [flags]
Create a new namespace
-f, --file string path to the namespace config
siren namespace delete
Delete a namespace details
siren namespace edit [flags]
Edit a namespace
-f, --file string Path to the namespace config
--id uint namespace id
siren namespace list
List namespaces
siren namespace view [flags]
View a namespace details
--format string Print output with the selected format (default "yaml")
siren provider
Manage providers
siren provider create [flags]
Create a new provider
-f, --file string path to the provider config
siren provider delete
Delete a provider details
siren provider edit [flags]
Edit a provider
-f, --file string Path to the provider config
--id uint provider id
siren provider list
List providers
siren provider view [flags]
View a provider details
--format string Print output with the selected format (default "yaml")
siren receiver
Manage receivers
siren receiver create [flags]
Create a new receiver
-f, --file string path to the receiver config
siren receiver delete
Delete a receiver details
siren receiver edit [flags]
Edit a receiver
-f, --file string Path to the receiver config
--id uint receiver id
siren receiver list
List receivers
siren receiver send [flags]
Send a receiver notification
-f, --file string Path to the receiver notification message
--id uint receiver id
siren receiver view [flags]
View a receiver details
--format string Print output with the selected format (default "yaml")
siren rule
Manage rules
siren rule edit [flags]
Edit a rule
-f, --file string Path to the rule config
--id uint rule id
siren rule list [flags]
List rules
--group-name string rule group name
--name string rule name
--namespace string rule namespace
--provider-namespace uint rule provider namespace id
--template string rule template
siren rule upload
Upload Rules YAML file
siren server <command>
Run siren server
siren server init [flags]
Initialize server
-o, --output string Output config file path (default "./config.yaml")
siren server migrate [flags]
Run DB Schema Migrations
-c, --config string Config file path (default "./config.yaml")
siren server start [flags]
Start server on default port 8080
-c, --config string Config file path (default "config.yaml")
siren subscription
Manage subscriptions
siren subscription create [flags]
Create a new subscription
-f, --file string path to the subscription config
siren subscription delete
Delete a subscription details
siren subscription edit [flags]
Edit a subscription
-f, --file string Path to the subscription config
--id uint subscription id
siren subscription list
List subscriptions
siren subscription view [flags]
View a subscription details
--format string Print output with the selected format (default "yaml")
siren template
Manage templates
siren template delete
Delete a template details
siren template list [flags]
List templates
--tag string template tag name
siren template render [flags]
Render a template details
-f, --file string path to the template config
--format string Print output with the selected format (default "yaml")
--name string template name
siren template upload
Upload Templates YAML file
siren template upsert [flags]
Create or edit a new template
-f, --file string path to the template config
siren template view [flags]
View a template details
--format string Print output with the selected format (default "yaml")
siren worker <command> <worker_command>
Start or manage Siren's workers
siren worker start <command>
Start a siren worker
siren worker start notification_dlq_handler [flags]
A notification dlq handler
-c, --config string Config file path (default "config.yaml")
siren worker start notification_handler [flags]
A notification handler
-c, --config string Config file path (default "config.yaml")